Downslope are successional black locust forest and woodland. Around corner on acidic substrate grades to northern hardwoods and acidic oak-hickory forests. Logging is currently underway to the east and may proceed into this stand (?).;Warm slope on limestone with a successional forest of shagbark hickory, white ash, black cherry, and black locust over a shrub layer of hawthorn and a lush herb layer dominated by black snakeroot (at this time of year). This is towards the upper extent of limestone on this aspect and may represent somewhat older forests than downslope due to longer period post grazing and logging. Several butternut located in and near plot, all with dead tops, branches, and/or lesions.
Placed to represent mix of tree species - some spots in stand have more cherry or black locust. Nearby are a couple of remnant oaks (white, red) which are larger and may represent pre-logging/grazing cohort.
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Plot Quality Fields:
Plot Validation Level
(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Floristic Quality
Bryophyte Quality
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields:
--no data--
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Observation Narrative
Carya ovata - Robinia pseudoacacia / Crataegus / Ageratina altissima forest; Management recommendations: remove deer, leave large oaks as seed source. Black cherry and locust will fall out as forest matures, creating canopy gaps for oak regeneration.